Studijsko putovanje i prvi sastanak svih partnerskih organizacija uživo održani su između 13. i 15. oktobra u Puli (Hrvatska) na poziv Instituta za političku ekologiju (IPE) iz Zagreba. Ovom događaju prisustvovali su predstavnici organizacija: FREDA iz Austrije, Instituta za političku ekologiju (IPE) iz Hrvatske, Udruženja “Sunrise” iz Severne Makedonije, Fundació Nous Horizons iz Španije, Platforme za teoriju i praksu društvenih dobara “Zajedničko” i Organizacije za političku ekologiju (PolEkol) iz Srbije. Plan i program podrazumevali su sastanke sa predstavnicima relevantnih institucija i organizacija iz regiona, zatim posete različitim primerima transformativnog turizma, kao i diskusiju projektnih partnera oko budućih aktivnosti i nastavka projekta.
Prvog dana studijskog putovanja organizovana je večera sa predstavnicima menadžmenta hotela Arena Tourist, kao i direktorom kompleksa, koji su predstavili politiku (održivog) poslovanja Arena Hospitality Group (jedne od vodećih ugostiteljskih kompanija u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi).
Drugi dan započeo je sastankom sa predsednicom Turističke organizacije Pula, koja je sa učesnicima podelila relevantne informacije vezano za razvoj turizma u Puli i Istri, kao i trenutne i buduće projektne aktivnosti. Nakon toga, učesnici su imali prilike da obiđu nekoliko kompleksa koji čine deo Arena Hospitality Group, a koja predstavljaju transformativne primere turizma ka održivom modelu: hotel Brijuni, koji je trenutno u fazi renoviranja, kao i dva kamping sela – Arena One 99 i Kažela.
Usledio je obilazak Društvenog centra Rojč i sastanak sa predstavnicom Zeleno-leve političke platforme i Gradskog veća grada Pula, koja je upoznala učesnike sa platformom Zelenih za razvoj grada. Nakon diskusije, započet je sastanak projektnih partnera. Sastanak je obeležilo predstavljanje lokalnog konteksta razvoja, zatim pregled dosadašnjeg razvoja projektnih istraživanja i metodologije rada, kao i diskusija o samom toku projekta.
Poslednjeg dana putovanja nastavljen je sa sastanak projektnih partnera. Dogovoreni su detalji oko objavljivanja istraživanja, glavne preporuke politika u domenu održivog razvoja turizma, kao i obaveze projektnih partnera i buduće aktivnosti. Usledile su posete Nacionalnom parku Brijuni i lokalnoj farmi za organsku proizvodnju hrane Kumparička. Sledeći sastanak projektnih partnera planiran je polovinom novembra u Austriji.
Study-trip and the first in-person meeting of partner organizations were held between 13th and 15th October in Pula (Croatia) at the invitation of the Institute for Political Ecology (IPE) from Zagreb. This event was attended by the representatives of the following organizations: FREDA from Austria, the Institute for Political Ecology (IPE) from Croatia, the Association „Sunrise“ from Northern Macedonia, Fundació Nous Horizons from Spain, the Platform for Theory and Practice of Social Goods „Zajednicko“ from Serbia and the Organization for political ecology (PolEkol) from Serbia. Plan and program included meetings with the representatives of the relevant institutions and organizations from the region, then visits various examples of transformative tourism, as well as the discussion of the project partners about the future activities and the continuation of the project.
On the first day of the study trip, participants had a dinner-meeting with the representatives of the Arena Tourist Hotel management, as well as with the director of the complex, who presented the (sustainable) the business policy of the Arena Hospitality Group (one of the leading hospitality groups in Central and Eastern Europe).
The second day began by meeting with the President of the Pula Tourist Organization, who shared with relevant information related to the development of tourism in Pula and Istria, as well as current and future project activities with the participants. After that, there was an organized visit to the several complexes that are part of Arena Hospitality Group which represent transformative examples of tourism towards a sustainable model: Hotel Brijuni, which is currently under renovation, and two camping villages – Arena One 99 and Kazela.
This was followed by a tour of the Rojc Community Center and a meeting with a representative of the Green-Left Political Platform and the Pula City Council, who introduced the participants to the platform of the Greens for the development of the region. After the discussion began a meeting of the project partners. The meeting started by the presentation of the local development context, which was followed by a review of the current development of the research and work methodology, as well as with a discussion about the future course of the project.
On the last day of the trip, the meeting continued. Project partners have agreed upon the details about the publication of the research, the main policy recommendations in the field of sustainable tourism development, as well as their obligations and future activities. This was followed by visits to the Brijuni National Park and the local farm for organic food production, Kumparicka. The next meeting of the project partners has been planned for mid-November in Austria.