Tranzicija – reč koja svima u regionu budi loše asocijacije. Kada govorimo o tranziciji, uglavnom prvo pomislimo na proces urušavanja institucija, rasprodaje javnih preduzeća i društvene imovine. U doba kada nam se pred očima odvija masovna privatizacija i komodifikacija prirodnih dobara, istovremeno otpočinjemo razgovore o zelenoj tranziciji i transformaciji ka održivosti, nažalost uveliko u zaostatku u odnosu na evropski prosek. Ovih dana svedoci smo masovnih protesta za ekološku pravdu u Srbiji i protesta rudara u Bosni i Hercegovini. Prosto uvođenje ekoloških standarda, bez socijalne dimenzije nigde nije dalo dobre rezultate, pa je važno da o ovoj temi razgovaramo, ali i delamo prema smernicama pravedne tranzicije.
Koncept pravedne tranzicije je sveobuhvatni okvir koji vodi našu transformaciju u ekološki održiva društva na socijalno pravedan i pravičan način. Sa razvojem ovog koncepta, radnički sindikati i klimatski pokreti ističu potrebu za sistemskom transformacijom. Pravedna tranzicija podrazumeva fundamentalne promene, ne samo ključnih privrednih grana i potrošačkih sistema, poput, npr. energetike, transporta, poljoprivrede i prehrane, već i promene infrastrukture, društvenih vrednosti i politike. Dodatno, ovaj koncept ističe potrebu za globalnim zaokretom ka humanom i fer ekonomskom sistemu, sa zdravim ekosistemom, zdravstvom, javnim službama, obrazovanjem i kulturom u svojoj srži.
Na tribini koju će organizovati Zelena evropska fondacija u saradnji sa organizacijom za političku ekologiju Polekol, 28.12.2021. u 17 časova pokušaćemo da dođemo do odgovora na neka od pitanja:
- Šta je širi kontekst pravedne tranzicije i zašto nam je ona neophodna
- Šta za region Zapadnog Balkana znači pravedna tranzicija i kako do nje
- Koja je uloga radništva i sindikata u zelenoj tranziciji
Na ova i mnoga druga pitanja odgovore će dati:
dr Maja Pupovac, autorka istraživanja „Stavovi i percepcije pravedne tranzicije u zajednici Lazarevac, koja je pogođena ugljem“ Climate Action Network – CAN Europe
Miodrag Pantović, projektni asistent na projektu „Na putu ka EU“ Evropske konfederacije sindikata (ETUC) i regionalne mreže “ SOLIDARNOST “ uz podršku Evropske komisije
Alma Midžić, Crvena Sarajevo
Moderatorka: Žaklina Živković, Polekol
Tribina će biti online, prenošena na Facebook kanalu Polekol
Transition – a word that arouses bad associations in the region. When talking about the transition, people usually think first of the process of collapsing institutions, selling off public companies and social property. At a time when citizens of this area are witnessing mass privatization and commodification of natural resources, they are also starting talks on green transition and transformation towards sustainability, unfortunately far behind the European average. These days, we are witnessing mass protests for environmental justice in Serbia and protests of miners in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The simple introduction of environmental standards, without a social dimension, has not yielded good results anywhere, so it is important that we discuss this topic, but also work according to the guidelines of a fair transition.
The concept of a just transition is a comprehensive framework that guides our transformation into environmentally sustainable societies in a socially just and equitable way. With the development of this concept, trade unions and climate movements emphasize the need for systemic transformation. A fair transition implies fundamental changes, not only of key economic branches and consumer systems, such as, for example. energy, transport, agriculture and food, but also changes in infrastructure, social values and politics. In addition, this concept highlights the need for a global shift towards a humane and fair economic system, with a healthy ecosystem, health, public services, education and culture at its core.
At the discussion that will be organized by the Green European Foundation in cooperation with the organization for political ecology Polekol, on December 28th, 2021. at 5 pm we will try to find answers to some of the questions
- What is the broader context of a fair transition and why do we need it
- What does a fair transition mean for the Western Balkans region and how to reach it
- What is the role of workers and unions in the green transition
The following speakers will answer these and other questions:
- Dr. Maja Pupovac, author of the research „Just Transition attitudes and perceptions in the coal-impacted Community of Lazarevac, Serbia“
- Miodrag Pantović, project assistant on the project „On the way to the EU“ of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the regional network „SOLIDARITY“ with the support of the European Commission
- Alma Midzic, Crvena Sarajevo
The discussion will be online, broadcasted on the Facebook channel of Polekol.