Svetski dan reka: Plavo srce Kraljeva


Svetski dan reka u Srbiji obeležava se filmom „Plavo srce”, nastupom grupe Stereo banana i aktivističkom tribinom! U Kraljevu u subotu 26. septembra inicijativa Pravo na vodu, Organizacija za političku ekologiju PoLekol i Sačuvajmo planinske reke Kraljeva u okviru kampanje Spasimo plavo srce Evrope pozivaju vas da se okupimo na otvorenom pored Ibra, zabavimo se i proslavimo reke, ali i razmenimo priče iz borbe za zaštitu vodotokova u Srbiji, upozorimo na probleme i naučimo o hrabrim ljudima koji se bore za reke u zemljama u okruženju.

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18h Projekcija filma Plavo srce” o borbama za reke Balkana

U cilju zaštite reka Balkana i sprečavanja izgradnje preko 3000 planiranih malih hidroelektrana pokrenuta je kampanja Spasimo plavo srce Evrope (Save the Blue Heart of Europe). Dokumentarni film „Plavo srce“ u produkciji Patagonije govori o vrednosti neukroćenih vodotokova Balkana i ljudima iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Albanije i Makedonije koji se bore za opstanak svojih reka.

19h MHE se gradi, šta da se radi? (diskusija sa aktivistima i aktivistkinjama iz Kraljeva i Srbije)

Na teritoriji Kraljeva nalaze se reke i potoci izuzetne lepote i važnosti za očuvanje biodiverziteta Srbije i cele Evrope. Nažalost, na istim vodotokovima planirana je gradnja čak 52 male hidroelektrane od kojih je 10 već uspelo da se izgradi i naruši ekosistem reka i okoline. Čućemo iskustva, prepreke i uspehe lokalnih pokreta i posvećenih pojedinaca iz drugih mesta Srbije i razmotriti pravne mehanizme zaštite. Predstavićemo mapu sa izgrađenim i planiranim projektima mini-hidrocentrala u regionu Kraljeva i okoline – na području Goča i Golije.

U razgovoru o neodrživoj hidroenergiji i mogućnostima borbe za slobodne reke učestvuju:

– Jelena Tot  i Nebojša Kovandžić (Sačuvajmo planinske reke Kraljeva)
– Nataša Milivojević (Ekološko udruženje Rzav/WWF Adria)
– Ljubica Vukčević (Regulatorni institut za obnovljivu energiju i životnu sredinu – RERI)

Razgovor vodi:

Iva Marković (Polekol/Pravo na vodu/Save the Blue Heart of Europe)

20h Nastup benda Stereo banana 

Sastav Stereo banana poznat je po svojoj podršci očuvanju reka i borbi protiv MHE. Njihov hit Vodokradice dobro poznaju svi aktivisti za zaštitu reka širom našeg govornog područja. Ovaj niški dvojac sem duhovitim angažovanim tekstovima, publiku osvaja i eklektičnom mešavinom regea, hip hopa, brejkbita i fanka koji zove na ples.

World Rivers Day: Blue Heart of Kraljevo

Right to Water initiative, Organization for Political Ecology POLEKOL, Save the Mountain Rivers of Kraljevo and Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign are inviting you to a gathering in Kraljevo marking the World Rivers Day this weekend. On Saturday 26th at 6 pm the projection of the documentary film, public discussion with local activists, and the band Stereo banana live performance will take place at open-air beach bar Mirage Spherico.

The event aims to celebrate rivers, as well as to exchange stories of struggles for the protection of watercourses in Serbia, to warn  about problems, and learn about the brave people fighting for rivers in the surrounding countries. Kraljevo area is known for it’s beautiful mountains and is under threat of small hydropower plants tsunami. Here the 52 damaging projects are planned and some of them even in the protected areas of Special Nature Reserve Goč and Nature park Golija.

FB event:


●       6 PM Blue Heart movie 
In order to protect the rivers of the Balkans and prevent the construction of over 3,000 planned small hydropower plants, the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign was launched. The documentary ’’Blue Heart’’, produced by Patagonia, talks about the value of untamed watercourses in the Balkans and people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Macedonia who are fighting for the survival of their rivers.

●       7 PM What can we do as citizens?

On the territory of Municipality of Kraljevo, there are rivers and streams of exceptional beauty and importance for preserving the biodiversity of Serbia and the whole of Europe. Unfortunately, the construction of 52 small hydroelectric power plants is planned on the same watercourses, 10 of which have already managed to build and disrupt the ecosystem of rivers and the surrounding area. We will hear the experiences, obstacles, and successes of local movements and dedicated individuals from other parts of Serbia and consider legal protection mechanisms. Hence, we’ll present a map with built and planned projects of mini-hydropower plants in the region of Kraljevo and its surroundings – in the area of Goč and Golija.


– Jelena Tot i Nebojša Kovandžić (Sačuvajmo planinske reke Kraljeva)
– Nataša Milivojević (Ekološko udruženje Rzav/WWF Adria)
– Ljubica Vukčević (Regulatorni institut za obnovljivu energiju i životnu sredinu – RERI)

Iva Marković (Pravo na vodu/Polekol/Save the Blue Heart of Europe)

●      8 PM Live performance: Stereo banana
The band Stereo banana is known for its support for the struggle against SHPPs. Their hit song „Vodokradice“ (Water thieves) is well known to all activists for the protection of rivers throughout the BHS cultural region. This duo from Niš, in addition to witty engaging lyrics, captivates the audience with an eclectic mix of reggae, hip hop, breakbeat, and funk that invites to everyone to the dancefloor.

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